Explore our world with us

We believe that even when you are playing games, you are creating memories that last a lifetime. Our server is set up as a safe place to have fun and leave with a lasting impression.

A Minecraft server that does things differently

We have curated several plugins to give users an optimal escape experience as they navigate our vast survival world.

Experience Slimefun’s Unique Marvels

Dive into the enchanting world of Slimefun, a mod-like experience within Minecraft. Explore Fluffy Machines, Exotic Gardens, Networks, and more.

PyroMining & PyroFishing

Immerse yourself in enhanced mining and fishing, complete with shops, deliveries, augmentations, and Rune Guardians.

Forge Your Path with TownyAdvanced

Immerse yourself in Blockville’s bustling capital or strike out solo, safeguarding chunks in the wilderness using TownyCamps’ campfire protection.

The personalized attention and expert recommendations made all the difference, and our trip was truly unforgettable.

— Random Villager, Blockville

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